Cuttlefish with fennel and green olives (crushed)
serves 6
- 1 ½ kg cuttlefishes, cleaned
- 2 bunches of fennel, cut in thick pieces
- 3 big onions, cut in thick pieces
- 1 water glass red wine
- 2-3 garlic cloves
- 500 gr. green olives, crushed
- 1 water glass olive oil
- salt, pepper

Remove the stone from the olives and put them in a bowl filled with water in order for their extra salt to be removed. Wash the cuttlefishes well and cut them in stripes (approximately 2 cm). Put the olive oil in a saucepan and when it starts to sizzle add the onions, cuttlefishes and garlic. Brown them, stirring from time to time. Then add the wine and after three minutes also add 3 glasses of water, cover the saucepan and let the food cook at medium heat.
While the cuttlefishes are being cooked, put the fennel in another casserole, boil it for a while, strain it and add it in the cuttlefishes, together with the olives which you have also strained. Add salt and some pepper and let the food cook until the cuttlefishes become tender and their water evaporates.