Patty from Chania (Chaniotiko Boureki)
medium-sized baking pan
For the pastry sheet:
- ½ kg flour for all uses
- 3 tbsp. olive oil
- ½ tsp. salt
- ½ water glass red wine
- 1 glass of lukewarm water
- 1 ½ kg potatoes, cut in thin slices
- 1 ½ kg courgettes, cut in thin slices
- a little bunch of mint
- 1 water glass flour for all uses
- 1 kg mizithra
- 200 gr. grated kasseri (kind of soft cheese)
- about ½ water glass olive oil
- 1 water glass milk
- 2 eggs, 4 tbsp. staka
- sesame, for sprinkling

Prepare the pastry sheet: put the water, olive oil, salt and wine in the flour and knead well. Cover the dough and leave it for about 30 minutes.
Cut the dough in two and roll out two medium-sized pastry sheets. Lay one of them in a large oiled baking pan. Then add the potatoes, courgettes and mizithra in layers. Add some salt, pepper, mint, flour and kasseri over each layer. Beat the eggs with the milk and staka and pour them on top of the patty. Then pour the olive oil on top of it. Place the other pastry sheet on top, baste it with some olive oil and sprinkle with sesame. Cut the patty in square pieces and put it for 1 - 1 1/4 hour in the oven, which you have pre-heated at 180° C.